
Day after day I see clueless people that seemingly have no idea about what is going on in our country.

Today I want to write about our duty as a member of the Militia. I’m saddened by how our society has degraded. I had planned to write about your constitutional right to defend yourself against the police, but tonight I wish to write about a topic that affects us all. That topic is ignorance.  Day after day I see clueless people that seemingly have no idea about what is going on in our country.

Forget the militia for a second. Think about our constitution!  I was at a local restaurant tonight and when I had a second to confront a waitress about the second amendment.  Her response was more than disturbing.  ”What is an amendment?” Really??? How far have we gone? Is this someone I am really going to give my life for? Is this a culture I am going to defend? I JOINED the militia to protect our constitution, to protect the American way of life…but here I was in Lexington sitting with my friend drinking a beer and actually explaining what an amendment was!

We my brothers and sisters…have our work cut out for us.  It has nothing to do with guns or ammo… it has EVERYTHING to do with waking people up first! My God! I was actually attempting to explain what an amendment was! And the kicker was the girl was 42!  Now brothers and sisters, I am fully on board with what we are facing.  But there is this lingering thought in my head…just who exactly are we defending! People who are completely asleep. I went on and on about MK ultra and 9/11 and this glazed look was about her. Sure she was listening, but in the end she was unfazed…UN FAZED! Let that sink in for a moment. I get the fact that she didn’t know me…I get the fact that maybe I sounded crazy—even AFTER showing her documentation using my iPhone (don’t get me started on that). Still, I slowly and methodically attempted to explain to her what Benghazi was and Sandy hook and how our government has done many things like that in the recent past… still, nothing.

            So, here is my charge to you brothers and sisters. Try your best to wake people up! Try and explain to them that our current system is NOT what our forefathers envisioned. Do your best to know what you believe and, and please back it up with information and facts. Wild conspiracies (although true) can be shot down with a simple hesitation or lack of understanding. This is something that we cannot afford. We need to be smarter than that…we need to be able to defend our position with clarity and facts. Even IF the respondent has no clue, this is who we are.  We are shining beacons of light on a very dark society. Many (most) will probably laugh at us—even hate us, but the truth must be told. The truth is what separates us from the lies. We are going to be hated, we are probably going to be called domestic terrorists…wear that with a badge of honor. Because in the end what stands between us and ignorance--is the truth. Know the truth you share with people and do so in a manner that makes us all look better than just a bunch of anti-government extremists. You might not reach them, the reality is, when you speak--you will at least be backing up your ideas with the truth.

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