
Many have sold their soul to the devil...  Will you?

Government Gone Wild

Remember the Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill that failed due to all the pork not associated with hurricane damage? Congress passed it anyway. Yep H.R. 152 of the 113th Congress wastes almost the exact same amount of money.

Why can't we just pass a bill to help people without billions of dollars of "PORK" in wasteful spending? Well the answer is simple, GREED. Isn't that one of the big ten?

Remember the magician's tricks? You were watching immigration and gun control and missed it. You must watch both hands.

Obama is in Vagas again. He's is shooting himself in the foot on immigration (but you don't know that yet) and gun control is still dominating the media. WATCH THE OTHER HAND...

There are only two things preventing Obama from taking over and destroying our country as we know it and doing exactly what he wants; 380 million privately owned guns and our military men and women. He's working on guns publicly. He's also working on our military's leadership from within the academies (e.g. the West Point think tank paper etc.) and choosing what senior military leaders are allowed to stay.

President Obama thinks the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is a list of suggestions. His political machine is even telling banks not to do business with gun makers and dealers. The U.S. Constitution Contract clause prohibits government and governmental leaders from interfering with legal commerce. Someone should tell Chicago.

Each American had better pay attention, your rights are being slowly taken away (double jeopardy, freedom of speech, arms, commerce, and religion have already been reduced) your business or job may be the next point of focus by a government gone wild.




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